Heather L Hernandez

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My Top 5 Productivity Tips

You are juggling so much, trying to keep everyone fed and clothed, managing the home, cleaning, raising your kids, investing in relationships, maybe even working or homeschooling too!  There are so many balls that we are trying to keep up with and it seems like the To Do list grows ever longer.

Mamas, we aren’t Super Women.  We aren’t perfect and we aren’t meant to be.  But we can take steps towards streamlining our lives, evaluating our seasons, figuring out what’s important and using tools and systems to help up be more efficient and productive so we can create margin and space for what we love and are passionate about.

Do you have a hobby or creative pursuit that you have been wanting to do but feel like there’s no time?

Here are some of my tips to get you started plus a FUN SURPRISE at the end!

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My Top Productivity Tips – Q&A

1. What is one time-saving tip that you use personally to free up more margin for the activities and people you love?

Oh man, it’s hard to pick just one thing, but I think that regularly evaluating my season to see what things I need to let go of for right now, and actively choosing not to do certain things or to condense them.

For example, setting aside time to meal plan and prep food for the week.  Way less time to peel and chop veggies for the week than to do it everyday!  Or delegating some of the grocery shopping to my husband since he will randomly stop there anyway and he can get out WAY more easily than I can with two littles and a baby.  

Also, in evaluating my season of new baby and starting to homeschool, I realized that especially as a highly sensitive introvert, I need A LOT of margin and white space and that when I have to leave the house for something I have a really hard time getting back into my regular rhythm of the day.

So, I drastically cut out my number of outings, condensed all of my errands into one day, and order online whenever I can (and BONUS I can get Swagbucks for that!).

If you would like a quick checklist to walk you through evaluating your current season, I have a FREE printable for that!  Get it here!

2. What are your favorite productivity tools or services and how do you use them?

Bullet Journal + Google Calendar + Trello  (post on this COMING SOON!)

  • Bullet journal for everything analog, daily/weekly task lists, weekly focus, and logging memories, etc…

  • Google Calendar for overview, coordinating schedules, and setting recurring events and reminders (because otherwise I will NEVER remember)

  • Trello for EVERYTHING else!  Master lists, book lists, grocery lists, weekly routines, cleaning, business work flows, and more.

Using these three tools in conjunction is streamlining my life!

3. What are some refreshing hobbies or self-care habits that you’ve found can be incorporated into a busy schedule?

I find movement is so important for me, but I have to really be intentional or I just won’t do it, so I make it a habit to do a 10-15 minute pilates Youtube video by Robin at The Balanced Life, and try to walk to the library or the park with the kids every other day or so.  Just being in nature is so rejuvenating!

The other thing that is super refreshing for me is to get a cup of tea and a snack (or chocolate!) and take at least 15-30 minutes of quiet time while the kids are doing their room time.  I savor the silence (although let’s be real, it’s not ALWAYS quiet. lol) and read a book, or a blog post, or write.

4. How do you use the small pockets of free time that appear throughout the day?

I try to intentionally do a small task like clearing the counters (clutter is super overwhelming for me!), loading the dishwasher, sweeping the floor, taking stuff up or down the stairs, writing a note/card, sending an email, or even just taking a minute to breathe, pray, and get re-centered before moving on with the day.  

All those little tasks that when added up can make a big difference in how the house feels and keep things from piling up and it being a disaster at bedtime when all I really want to do is collapse! lol

5. What would you say to someone who feels guilty taking time for themselves, especially when there’s so much to do?

I would say that it’s so important to refresh yourself so that you can then go out and serve and love on your people and pursue your purpose with passion.  There’s nothing to feel guilty about for filling yourself up so you can show up with more to then give back out. 

I also think that it’s always good to re-evaluate what your REAL priorities are and if they are being reflected in the choices and way you are living.  Sometimes we get so caught up in everyone else’s SHOULD’s, that we forget about what’s really important to us and those get pushed to the back.

There may be way more on the To Do list than we actually need to be doing.  It’s ok to say no to what’s not right for your family’s priorities and a good fit for this season.  And it’s definitely ok to do things that as Kendra at The Lazy Genius Collective says, “make you feel more like yourself”.

Because guys, the world needs you to show up doing your thing.  

God’s got a purpose for you and it matters.




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