Heather L Hernandez

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A Favorite Fall Recipe

Baked Fruit Dessert


-Enough sliced fruit (apples, peaches, pears, nectarines, plums, apricots) to fill whatever size baking dish you want. -Lemon juice (about 1 lemon or if using a bottle of lemon juice, just splash a good amount over the fruit. Maybe 2 Tablespoons?) -Cinnamon (a lot) -Nutmeg (if you want)

Wow….that was really detailed and helpful right?


1. Slice the fruit thinly. I leave on the skin cuz #idontgottimeforthat but if you want to peel them, go right ahead! =)

2. Dump the fruit into the baking dish

3. Splash/drizzle lemon juice all over the fruit

4. Sprinkle a GOOD amount of cinnamon all over the fruit.

5. Sprinkle a little nutmeg if you have it and want to use it.

6. Mix the fruit around to get all the fruit coated with the spices.

7. Preheat oven to 350

8. Pop in the fruit mixture and bake for 45 minutes give or take.

9. Enjoy all the wonderful smells coming from your kitchen!

10. Eat by itself, with a little whipped cream, or ice cream (if you’re not trying to be healthy), or my favorite lately, spoon some over a bowl of plain or vanilla Greek yogurt.

Here's the video I made to help with the vague measurements. lol!


It smells so fallish and it tastes just sweet enough that it’s dessert without added sugar, stevia, or the fake stuff. It’s the perfect fall dessert fix for me!

Bonus tip:

If you have kids that leave half eaten fruit laying around, don’t throw them! I toss them in my fridge in a bowl and when I have a spare minute, I cut off the eaten part and slice it all up and it totally SAVES all that wasted fruit! I feel like a boss when I do it too. Lol! And I use whatever fruit we have laying around. Sometimes it’s a mishmash of pears, apples, peaches, etc…. Other times it’s just apples. Like I said, super customizable! =)

Here's the finished product!

Baked Fruit Dessert

God bless,
